Friday, June 19, 2009

digital photography

A few years ago after the analog photography changed more and more to digital photography, I still belonged to the somewhat "old fashioned" photographers , who did hard with this new technology. I had still the good old training behind me with photos on negatives then to make photographic prints on paper size in the darkroom, retouching and even negative retouching, color filter, and all photographic and editing techniques used in photography were customary. The move to digital photography started during my work in the University Hospital as a photographer. Suddenly there was a computer and i didnt really knew how to work with it. How many hours I've spent only to learn from my mistakes and step by step I started "learning by doing". Also the normal use of the PC was new for me. After several attempts I recorded successes and slowly I started the new way of photography to learn and appreciate.

1 comment:

  1. Huhu,
    Unheimlich schöne Fotos hast du hier, ich kann mich aber einfach nicht zwischen diesem Blog und deinem anderen entscheiden!

    Übrigens habe ich jetzt auch die "Followers" in meinen Blog gesetzt, vielleicht kannst du es ja darüber noch mal ausprobieren : )

    lg Nele
